McIntyre, Freedman & Flynn Investment Advisers, Inc.

Types of Investment Portfolios

Growth Equity

The Growth Equity Portfolio is our growth portfolio which will include investments in companies that pay dividends.  Our primary goal is long-term capital appreciation. 

At all times we are following companies, researching for opportunities to invest our current cash holdings, or sell out of a stock that may have reached its potential growth.

We invest in as many as thirty five positions in each of our individually constructed Growth Equity accounts.  Each stock will represent 2-3% of your portfolio.  Over time, naturally, these percentages will fluctuate as some stocks rise and others fall.

Dividend Equity

The Dividend Equity Portfolio is our income-producing portfolio.  This portfolio is invested in high-quality blue chip firms with a long history of paying and increasing dividends. 

These portfolios are managed for higher than average dividends, moderate appreciation, and lower volatility than the general market. 

Assets in each account are invested in as many as thirty-five different equity stocks yielding 2-5% in dividends with an average of about 3.5% overall.

As with our Growth Equity Portfolio, we take our time putting your cash to work;only investing as we find the stocks that we like at the price we like.

McIntyre, Freedman & Flynn Investment Advisers, Inc.

Our Approach